We have moved house and have been here just about a week now. I have been unpacking, deciding what to put where, deciding what things I now don’t need, thinking about what things I might need instead. Wondering where on earth I put that particular box of paperwork I suddenly need! I have no routine in place. I bounce from activity to activity. I don’t feel settled.

So I have been just doing the things I can. Writing lists. Hanging art. Walking around, letting the place seep into me. And seriously, there is a lot of seeping to be done. I can’t get over how gorgeous this place is.

Easter is fast approaching and we have quite a few campers coming to stay on the farm campground. This will be another new challenge and something else to get used to. Then we will have various relatives visiting us for the school holidays, and they’ll be a disruption too – a very welcome one, of course!
But my sewing space is mostly organised, so that is an accomplishment. Today I unpacked my (huge) box of quilt UFO’s (unfinished objects for the uninitiated) and decided on a pile of seven (!) that I want to progress solidly in the next while. That feels like a good start in putting down my artistic roots here.
How long does it take you to settle in to a new place? Do you have any rituals you do to make it feel like your own?