Sunday Seven – 11 September 2022

So, here I am, blogging for two weeks in a row. Go me!

What seven things did I do this past week?

Number One:

Last week I fed my calves more than 50 litres of milk. This week I’ve been given the care of another calf, which makes four fluffy babies I need to feed twice a day. The new baby is probably about 3 weeks old and got left behind in a paddock shift (playing hide and seek.) When she got back to the herd, her Mama didn’t want her, so now she’s with me and named Happy Meal. So this week, I’ve fed my calves over 70 litres and they are getting so strong and demanding! It’s like being mobbed by cute, fluffy vampires every time I walk into the pen.

Number Two:

Got to visit a quilt show!! It’s still a great feeling getting to go to quilt shows, I really didn’t like it when everything was being cancelled because of the pandemic. The Whangarei Patchworkers and Quilters Club held their biennial show over the weekend and I made the hour’s drive south to go see quilts. And talk to lots and lots of people! I reckon I probably spent more time catching up with old friends than looking at quilts, and that was just as good a feeling as viewing beautiful textile art. Below is one of my favourite quilts from the show. It’s called Blue in the Face and was made by Donna Rowan and quilted by Kerinda Robb.

Blue in the Face by Donna Rowan, quilted by Kerinda Robb

Number Three:

Last week I washed metres and metres of white fabric in preparation for dyeing weather. This week I finished measuring it all out and ripping it into manageable pieces. And then I’ve had to sit there and look at it and haven’t managed to do any dyeing yet….(sad face.)

Number Four:

Made a quilt block. This is a 14″ Bears Paw or Hand of Friendship block and I made it to take to the Wellington Quilt Symposium to enter into their block competition. One block gets you one entry into winning a set of blocks to make your own Bears Paw quilt. Love the idea, love a scrappy Bears Paw, love supporting the fun times at Symposium, and love the idea if I don’t win, someone will get a little piece of me in their quilt. So it was a win, win, win for me!

Number Five:

Continuing with the Symposium theme, I’m finalising preparations for attending. I’m teaching two half-day classes and one full day class on the BERNINA Q16 sit down long arm machines. I need to make demonstration quilt sandwiches, finish my handouts, work on a few new FMQ patterns to add my portfolio, and check and double check that I have everything I need to make my classes an awesome, memorable time for my students. And then I’m also going to be a student in two classes so I need to put together all my supplies for those too. I’m getting excited!!

Number Six:

Walked on my beach again. The photo shows how it often is, totally deserted. It’s raining tonight as I write this so I’m enjoying looking at the sunny late afternoon photo memory.

Number Seven:

Lugged around furniture. We’re getting to that point in our renovations of the accommodation units. I hate lugging around furniture, but I love the fact that we are at that point! No photos of my banged up shins…..

That’s it folks. I hope you had a wonderful week, wherever you are and whatever you’ve been doing. I’ll be back next week with another Sunday Seven.

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