Sunday Seven – 4 September 2022

Everyone says that when you blog, you need to do it consistently. And that’s all fine when you’re in the habit of doing it consistently, but if there is no habit, then it doesn’t get done consistently and you’re not reinforcing the habit…and so on and so on.

I’ve decided I need a theme to assist with posting regularly and so build my regular blogging habit back up. What’s the theme to be? Sunday Seven, which will just be me posting every Sunday, about seven things I did over the last week. I’m going for simple to start with – a memory builder if you like. So without further ado, here is my first Sunday Seven.

Number 1:

Fed my three calves over 50 litres of milk. The place I’m now living is part of a farm, and one of my jobs is to raise any calves that get mismothered. At the moment I have Big Mac, who fell in a ditch presumably quite soon after being born, and got so hypothermic he couldn’t feed off his mum. It was touch and go with him for a few days but now he’s six weeks old and bouncy, although we suspect he’s a little simple! Then I have Quarter Pounder and Small Fries, both had mothers that wouldn’t accept them and so they ended up with me.

Number 2:

Finished my pōhutukawa quilt. There are amazing old pōhutukawa trees along the beach here. Huge and gnarly and very special. And very inspiring. I’m also inspired daily by my ever-changing view of sea and sky, and the amazing variation of colours that occur. So this quilt has come about by combining those two sources of inspiration. I’m also pleased that I will be teaching tree quilts (this one and a couple of variations) at The Great NZ Quilt Show in Rotorua next year.

Number 3:

Painted a cow skull. Being on a farm that’s been running for 100 years or so, there just happens to be a few of these lying around in the far paddocks. And I’ve always wanted to have a go at decorating one. I cleaned it off, sprayed it black and then sprayed white through a stencil I cut. I quite like it, but not exactly sure what I’m going to do with it now!

Number 4:

Walked on my beach. It’s such an amazing spot here. Just like everything though, you gradually get used to it. But then suddenly there is a stunning sunrise, or a special light, and it snaps you out of your complacency and reminds you of how lucky you are to be here every day. Here’s my photo of that morning this week, when I left my breakfast on the table so I could run down and try and capture the quality of the light.

Number 5:

Washed metres and metres and metres of fabric. When I moved here I lost my awesome dyeing setup that I had at my last house. Sigh. But I can still dye, I just need good weather. And Spring is officially here! Soon I’ll be able to dye a little every day! In preparation, I’ve been washing my white fabric and ripping it up into manageable pieces. That’s a knee deep pile in the pic below.

Number 6:

Painted the inside of kitchen drawers. We are still renovating the accommodation units on the property in preparation for Summer. And it’s a bit-by-bit kinda process. I don’t even have photos. Who wants to see the inside of kitchen drawers?! Or me screwing on a toilet roll holder? Or hanging curtains? But we are getting there, and hopefully I’ll be able to show finished photos soon.

Number 7:

Got my Fjord quilt back. This quilt was made in 2017 for an International Challenge – Natural Sites and Wonders of the World – that Aotearoa Quilters did with Japanese and French quilters. The exhibition travelled extensively around Japan and France, but then got caught up with the pandemic, with exhibitions delayed and postponed. Finally the quilts are back in the hands of their makers and it’s been interesting to look at mine closely with fresh eyes. I still really like it and wouldn’t change much at all.

That’s it folks. I hope you had a wonderful week, wherever you are and whatever you’ve been doing. I’ll be back next week with another Sunday Seven.

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